

Guidelines for Collaboration

Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository
Guidelines for the Spiritual Care of Objects
Sven Haakanson, Jr. and Amy F. Steffian


Sven Haakanson on repatriating knowledge

The Arctic Studies Center’s “Living Our Cultures, Sharing Our Heritage: The First Peoples of Alaska” exhibition at the Anchorage Museum features more than 600 Alaska Native objects from NMNH and NMAI collections. Short videos on collaborative collections work. (2010-present)

Lighting a Pathway: Museum + Community Guidelines for Collaboration
Jim Enote moderates a panel of conservators  (2017) discussing collaborative museum conservation work. School for Advanced Research series.

Consultations: Providing Interpretation and Guidance for Collections (2013)
Jim Enote moderates a panel of tribal museum leaders. School for Advanced Research series.

Creating Collaborative Catalogs (2011)
Jim Enote, Director, A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center IARC Speaker Series

Material Traditions: Arctic Studies Center at the Anchorage Museum
Sewing gut:
Sewing salmon:
Dine quill art:


Ames, Michael M., “The Critical Theory and Practice of Museums”, Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes: the Anthropology of Museums, UBC Press, 1992, pp. 3 -14

Bernstein, Bruce. Collaborative Strategies for the Preservation of North American Indian Material Culture. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation Vol. 31, No. 1, Conservation of Sacred Objects and Other Papers from the General Session of the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 3-8, 1991 (Spring, 1992), pp. 23-29 © 1992

Bloomfield, Tharron. Engaging indigenous participation: toward a more diverse profession.

UCLA/Getty Program in Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California , Los Angeles, Box 951520, Los Angeles , CA , 90095-1520 , USA

Published online: 05 Apr 2013 Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches – Proceedings of Symposium 2007

Chang L. and S. Heald. 2005. Documenting and implementing collections care and treatment requests from native communities. Textile Specialty Group Postprints, 15. American Institute for Conservation 33rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis. Washington DC: AIC. 9–17.

Chavarria, Tony. Structural Fills: Preservation and Conservation in a Museum of Living Anthropology. WAAC Newsletter Volume 27 Number 1 January 2005.

Clavir, Miriam, 2009, Conservation and Cultural Significance, Conservation: Principles, Dilemmas and Uncomfortable Truths  (Eds. A. Richmond and A. Bracker.) Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, London. Pp. 139-149

Clavir, Miriam, Preserving What is Valued: Museums, Conservation and First Nations, UBC Press, 2002

Drumheller, A. and M. Kaminitz. 1994. Traditional care and conservation, the merging of two disciplines at the National Museum of the American Indian. In Preventive Conservation: Practice, Theory and Research, eds. R. Ashok et. al. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. 58–60.

Edmonds, Penelope and Elizabeth Wild. 2000. New Obligations: Conservation Policy and Treatment Approaches for Aboriginal Collections in Bunjilaka, The Aboriginal Centre, Melbourne Museum”, in Tradition and Innovation.  Advances in Conservation, Contributions to the Melbourne Congress 10-14 Oct., 2000, Edited by Ashok Roy and Perry Smith.  International Institute for Conservation: London, pp.60 -64.

Hamilton, Samantha. 2013. Conservation community consultation during the Bunjilaka Redevelopment Project at Melbourne MuseumContexts for Conservation, 2013 National Conference, Adelaide AU.

Harrison, A., McHugh, K., McIntyre, C., Smith, L. (in alphabetical order), The Impact of Access: Partnerships in Preservation, Object Specialty Group Postprints, American Institute for Conservation 39thth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2011.

Harter, M., M. Kaminitz, K. McHugh, M. McPeek, L. Simpson, and G. Raven. 2001. Appropriate knowledge, appropriate action: a request for the treatment of eleven Midewiwin birch bark scrolls, AIC Abstracts, American Institute for Conservation 29th Annual Meeting, Dallas. Washington, DC: AIC. 2–3.

Heald, S., M. Kaminitz, K. McHugh. 2017.  Ethics and Practice of Conservation : Manual for the conservation of ethnographic and multi-material assets.  Edizioni Musei Vaticani. Citta del Vaticano. Editors Pandozy, S. and De Bonis, M.

Heald, S. 2010. Partnership in the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage at the National Museum of the American Indian. In Textile Conservation: Advances in Practice. eds. F. Lennard and P. Ewer. London: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 108–115.

Heald, S., K. Ash-Milby. 1998. Woven by the grandmothers: twenty-four blankets travel to the Navajo Nation. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 36(3): 334–45.

Heald, S. 1997. Compensation/restoration of a Tuscarora beaded cloth with Tuscarora beadworkers. Textile Specialty Group Postprints, 7. American Institute for Conservation 25th Annual Meeting. San Diego. Washington DC: AIC. 35–38.

Horelick, L., K. McHugh, O. Madden. 2011. What’s going on with Guts: Assessing Adhesives Used to Repair Cultural Objects Made of Gut Skin. Proceedings of Symposium 2011 – Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation, Ottawa, Canada. 1-18.

Johnson, J.S., Touch and Discovery: Collaborative Touch: Working with a Community Artist to Restore a Kwakwaka’wakw Mask“, in The Power of Touch: Handling Objects in Museum and Heritage Contexts, ed. Elizabeth Pye, Left Coast Press, Inc. Walnut Creek, CA, 2007, pp. 215–222.

Johnson, J.S., S. Heald, K. McHugh, E. Brown, M. Kaminitz. 2005. The Practical Aspects of Consultation with Communities. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 44(3): 203–215.

Johnson, J.S., B. Bernstein and J. P. Henry. 2005. Theory and practice in working with Native communities and collections at the National Museum of the American Indian. In Of the past, for the future: integrating archaeology and conservation. Fifth World Archaeological Congress (WAC-5), June 22–26, 2003. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.

Kaminitz, M.A. and L. Smith. 2014. Place-based learning: Conservation education in community. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 0306, 8 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)

Kaminitz, Marian A., W. Richard West, Jr with contributions from Jim Enote, Curtis Quam and Eileen Yatsattie. 2009. Conservation, Access and Use in a Museum of Living Cultures, in Richmond, Richmond, A and Bracker, A. (eds) Conservation: Principles, Dilemmas and Uncomfortable Truths. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Kaminitz, Marian A., Barbara S. Mogel, Barbara Cranmer, Jessica Johnson, Kevin Cranmer, Thomas V. Hill. 2007. Renewal of a Kwakwaka’wakw Hamsam Mask: Community Direction and Collaboration for the Treatment of Cultural Heritage at the National Museum of the American Indian—a panel presentation, in Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches: Proceedings of Symposium 2007, eds: Carole Dignard, Helwig, K.; Mason J.; Nanowin, K.; Stone, T., Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, 24–28, pp 75–87.

Kaminitz, Marian A. 2007. Chapter 4: Module 5: “Conservation and Use: Conservation and Living Cultures”, in Sharing Conservation Decisions, edited By Rosalia Varoli, ICCROM, Rome, pp 84–87.

Kaminitz, M., R. Kentta and D. Bridges. 2005. First person voice: Native communities and conservation consultations at the National Museum of the American Indian. Preprints of the 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12–16 September. International Council of Museums Conservation Committee. London: James and James. 96–102.

Kaminitz, M. and I. Poiss. 1999. The conservation of a birch bark canoe: a collaborative effort. Preprints of the 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon. International Council of Museums Conservation Committee. London. 911

Kaminitz, M. 1998. Cultural Partnerships at the National Museum of the American Indian. Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property: Critical issues in the conservation of ethnographic materials. CAC/ACCR Workshop, Whitehorse, Yukon. 149–159.

Krmpotich, Cara, and Laura Peers, with the Haida Repatriation Committee and Staff of the Pitt Rivers Museum and British Museum, This is Our Life: Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice, Vancouver, UBC Press, 2013

Levinson, J. 1994. Chiefly Feasts: A Collaborative Effort. Loss Compensation: Technical and Philosophical Issues.   Objects Specialty Group Postprints, vol. 2.  American Institute for Conservation. 1994

Mchugh, K.  2016. Facing the Past for Action in the Future:  Cultural Survival in Native America, AIC Objects Specialty Group Postprints, American Institute for Conservation 44th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, 23:278-290.

McHugh, K. 2012. Always Becoming. ICCOM – CC Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Newsletter.

McHugh, K., D. Boxley, A. Gunnison. 2010. Taking Care of the National Museum of the American Indian’s Collection, ICCOM-CC Ethnographic Conservation Newsletter, Number 31, 2010.

McHugh, K. 2008. Living Our Cultures: Consultations with Elaine Kingeekuk. ICCOM-CC Ethnographic Conservation Newsletter, Number 29, May 2008.

McIntyre, Chuna, L. Smith, K. McHugh. The Impact of Access: Partnerships in Preservation. Objects Specialty Group, American Institute for Conservation annual meeting. 200

McMullen, A.  The Currency of Consultation and Collaboration.  Museum Anthropology Review2(2) Fall 2008

Mellor, S. P. The Exhibition and Conservation of African Objects: Considering the Nontangible.  Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 31 (1992): 3-16.

Moreno, T., Adams, E.C., Odegaard, N. (2010). Homol’ovi Research Program: Archaeology, Conservation and Community Involvement.  Chapter 29.  In The Conservation of Archaeological Materials: Current Trends and Future Directions, Series 2116. Edited by E.Williams and C.Peachy. BARA International Series, Oxford: Archaeopress.

Moreno, T., C. White, A. Sadongei, N. Odegaard. 2009. Integration of Tribal Consultation to Help Facilitate Conservation and Collections Management at the Arizona State Museum. The SAA Record 9(2):36-40.

Naranjo-Morse, N.,G.Joice, K. McHugh, “Always Becoming”, Object Specialty Group Postprints, American Institute for Conservation 40th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, 2012.

Odegaard, N., M.Pool, G.Watkinson. 2014 Woven Wonders: Revitalizing collections and Relations, ICOM-CC, Melbourne, Pre-Prints of the ICOM-CC Melbourne Meeting

Odegaard, N. and  L. Smith, C. Stable, G. Wharton.  (2012) Working with Artists (Collaborative Conservation). In Abstracts of the American Institute for Conservation Meeting. P. 31

Odegaard, N. 2006. Changing the Way Professional Work: Collaboration in the Preservation of Ethnographic and Archaeological Objects. The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter 20(1):17-

Odegaard; 1996. Including Native Americans in the Development and Installation of an Interpretive Exhibit and the Continuation of Mutually Educational Relations. In Caring for American Indian Cultural Materials: Policies and Practices, pp 6-11. NY: Fashion Institute of Technology, Graduate Division.

Odegaard; 1995. Artist Intent: The Role of Contextual and Historical Study in the Conservation of Material Culture. Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 34 (3):187-193.

Odegaard, N. 1995. A Conservator’s Approach to Sacred Art.  ICOM-CC Study Series 1(1):29-30.  Also in WAAC Newsletter 17(3): 16-17.

O’Grady, C.R., N. Odegaard, E.C.Adams (2011) Journeys: Interdisciplinary Research and Influence.  ICOM-CC Lisbon.  Edited by Janet Bridgeland.  CD format.

Pearlstein, E. Restoring provenance to a Native American feather blanket 2010, Museum Management and Curatorship, 25: 1, 87 — 105

Pearlstein, E. (2008). Collaborative Conservation Education: The UCLA/Getty Program and the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum, Symposium 2007:  Preserving Aboriginal Heritage – Technical and Traditional Approaches(edited by Carole Dignard, Kate Helwig, Janet Mason, Kathy Nanowin and Thomas Stone). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Conservation Institute.

Phillips, Ruth, Museum Pieces: Toward the Indigenization of Canadian Museums, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011

Research Center, in Living Homes for Cultural Expressions: North American Native Perspectives on Creating Community Museums, Washington D. C. National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, 57-63.

Roy, L. 2011, Weaving Partnerships with the American Indian Peoples in your Community to Develop Cultural Programming, in Tribal Libraries, Archives and Museums, Preserving our Language, Memory and Lifeways, ed. Roy, Bhasin, Arriaga, Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth UK: Scarecrow Press, 141-156

Sloggett, Robyn. Beyond the Material: Idea, Concept and Process and their Function in the Conservation of the Conceptual Art of Mike Parr. JAIC 1998. Vol.37. No # 3.. Article 6 (pp. 316 to 333)

Smith, D.R. and Odegaard, N.  2008.  A Collaborative Team Approach to the Analysis of Pesticide Residues on NAGPRA Returned Objects. In  Abstracts of the American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting, Denver CO. p 33

Smith, L., McHugh, K., Austin-Dennehy, M.  2017. An Integrated Approach to Conservation, Proceedings from the Penn Museum Symposium .Engaging Conservation: Collaboration Across Disciplines, Archetype Publications, London.

Smith, Landis. Tundra Swans, Wolverines and Ground Squirrel Hats: Recovering Yup’ik Traditional Knowledge in Smithsonian Bird, Mammal and Anthropology Collections. Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center Newsletter. No 18, 2011. p. 11-13 website

Smith, L., McIntyre, C, McHugh, K and Harrison, A. The Impact of Access: Partnerships in Preservation. American Institute for Conservation annual meeting. AIC Postprints. 2011

Smith, Landis., Austin-Dennehy, M., and McHugh, K., Chapt. 13. “Collaborative Conservation of Alaska Native Objects at the Smithsonian” in Living our Cultures, Sharing Our Heritage:  The First Peoples of Alaska, eds.: Crowell, Worl, Ongtookuk and Biddison, Smithsonian Institution, 2010.

Smith, Landis. A Collaborative Conservation Process: Conservators and Alaska Native Consultants at the Smithsonian. Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center Newsletter. No. 16. June 2009. P. 18 – 19 website

Smith, Landis. McHugh, K, Austin-Dennehy, Cobb, K. The Anchorage Project: Gut decisions in cultural and museum contexts. AIC Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Vol. 16, 2009 P.73-86.


Smith, Landis. The Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center  Living Our Cultures Conservation Project.  ICOM Ethnographic Newsletter.  No. 29. May 2008. P. 11-13. Website

Smith, Landis. Collaborative Decisions in Context: Loss Compensation in Native American Museum Objects. In Loss Compensation: Technical and Philosophical Issues. Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Vol 2, ed. Pearlstein and Marincola. AIC/OSG. 1993

Smith, Landis. Cultural Aesthetics and Conservation in New Mexico. Western Association for Art Conservation Newsletter, Vol 15, No.1. January 1993

Srinivasan, R. and M. Becvar, R. Boast, and J. Enote, (2008)  Diverse Knowledges and Contact Zones within the Digital Museum

Stone, T. 2009. Listening to the voices: preserving aboriginal heritage ‘then’ and ‘now’, a comparison of two symposia, in S. Lira et al (Eds.), Sharing Cultures 2009, International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Pico Island, Azores, Portugal, Barcelos, Portugal, Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development.

Takami, M., S. Heald and J. S. Johnson. 2002. Collaborative treatment of a Native American robe from the Miami community with silk ribbonwork and metal decoration materials. Textile Specialty Group Postprints, 12. American Institute for Conservation 30th Annual Meeting, Miami. Washington DC: AIC. 85–95.

Varoli-Piazza, R. (Ed). (2007). Conservation Decisions. ICCROM.

Wharton, Glenn, “Dynamics of Participatory Conservation: The Kamehameha 1 Sculpture Project”, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Fall/Winter 2008, Vol. 47, #3, pp. 159 -173

Wharton, Glenn, 2005, Indigenous claims and heritage conservation: an opportunity for critical dialogue, in Conservation, Identity and Ownership in Indigenous Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Vol. 4, pp. 199-204.

LOOK UP: Wiley-Blackwell intends to publish, even by Dec. 2013,  a work at present entitled “The International Handbooks of Museum Studies”  (under the editorship of Professor Sharon MacDonald and Dr. Helen Rees  Leahy). The 5th volume of this series is a volume entitled “Museum Transformations”, edited by Ruth  Phillips and Annie Coombes.  Case studies covering museums internationally and how they have changed their focus in the last fifty years to people and working with people. (The final titles of the volumes/series may be changed slightly for publication.)

Williamson, L. 1999. The Treatment of a Haida Totem Pole: all things considered? Objects Specialty Group Postprints, 6. American Institute for Conservation 27th Annual Meeting, St. Louis. Washington DC AIC. 2–10.


Tribal Consultation Best Practices in Historic Preservation 2005, Washington D. C.: National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, pp. 1-16, 39-43

Task Force, Museums and First Peoples (1992) Turning the Page: Forging New Partnerships between Museums and First Peoples. Ottawa: Assembly of First Nations and the Canadian Museums Association.

United States of America. (1990). The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). 101st Congress, 16 November (Public Law 101-601).

Marstine (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics. Redefining Ethics for the Twenty-First-Century Museum, London, Routledge

Protocols for Native American Archival Materials

International Committee on Museums (ICOM) Code of Ethics